About Us
That sound you hear? Is a revolution brewing.
That sound you hear? Is a revolution brewing. The team at Lady Peng is about to bring the financial noise, business structure and marketing know-how to every Waxing Creative. The aim is to help you leave with more skill and pocket more coin than when you arrive.
And to know this: YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Waxers help waxers. Dreamers help dreamers. Do-ers help Do-ers. That’s the rule of admission for this syndicate.
The Waxing Syndicate.
No one gets turned away. Doesn’t matter whether you were the last to get picked at volleyball. You can have no experience. You can have no business acumen.
This club welcomes ALL waxers.
If your skills are not good enough, we got tutorials and classes to get you there. This is why Lady Peng exists. We are on a quest to empower and elevate. Because at Lady Peng, we are feverishly devoted to Waxing Creatives Worldwide.
We’ve created education, retail and backbar products to make you financial titans. We are precise, we are calculating. We’ve researched and studied every marketing masterclass and infiltrated every business inner circle and of course no ingrown serum was left un-tested and no exfoliator was left untouched…we stole what we liked and tossed what sucked. And we created the very best for those who want to stay in the know.
Next step: add your email to our list to dive down the rabbit hole with us and receive 5 minutes of waxing business inspiration a week. Not too much. Not too little. Goldilocks.

You Are?
She's Pain Jane.
Forged in the fiery underground waxing studios of East San Jose, Jane earned her street cred (and impressive traps) with eight hours of back to back 7-minute labia waxings. Every. Single. Day.
Back then, waxing genitalia was a curious and frightening thing. Like politics or your father’s BBW porn addiction, genital waxing was never discussed among polite company.
But times have changed.
Now, almost two decades and a seven-figure brick and mortar waxing business later, Jane has discovered that mastery in THREE areas is all it takes to dominate the waxing game.
1) Technique
2) Marketing
3) Basic Business Finance
Jane realized this threesome (coupled with a multi-tasking backbar and a deliciously designed retail line that could only be purchased thru licensed waxers dammit) could make any waxer’s bank account giddy. Today, her knowledge of the fickle waxing industry could fill books if she wasn’t busy filling heads of waxers and retail shelves around the world instead.
She’s good. Damn good. That’s why her ability to teach all things waxing has made her highly demanded and super easy to work with… as long as you’re ready to have your polite vanilla approach to waxing rocked hard.
Beyond that, Jane is a drinker of select teas, a purveyor of poor relationship advice and is also quite short.
But enough about Jane.
You are?